About Us

Victor C. Talavera, is the inventor of the Split-Ender PRO. Mr. Talavera had a long hair and used to spend about 4 hours cutting off the split ends every two months with traditional scissors.
Thinking about how he could managed to speed up this process, he decided to invent an easy-to-use hair tool that could achieve the removal of damaged hair tips in just minutes without affecting the length of the hair. The urgent need for this technology gave birth to a revolutionary hair tool called the "Split-Ender PRO". Thanks to this product millions of men and women can now enjoy a long, soft and healthier hair better than ever before.
This new exciting beauty tool has provided professionals around the world with an additional profitable service that can be offer to clients. Not only Victor Talavera designed an easy to use "at home" hair tool but he also in the process revolutionized an industry for the long term.

New Surgy-Trim System Technology safely trims the ends of the hair where damaged hair ends and split ends start while preserving the beautiful, long, healthy hair, insuring that all the ends (split, damaged or dry) are trimmed and healthy.
The Split-Ender unique patented “Hair Plate” is Specially Designed to guide the hair strands to uniformly flow in and out throughout the “Strand Guards” and safely guiding each and every hair in a straight motion, forcing them to stand straight up when reaching the “Center of the Hair Plate”. The blades snip the tip by approximately 1/8ʹʹ to 1/4ʹʹ (depending of the Spacer type that you select) trimming the ends where burned, dry, damaged hair ends and split ends are more likely to be found.

Talavera Hair Products, Inc.™ has been in the beauty industry for more than 2 decades, offering our high-quality products and an excellent service to the industry. The 100% Original Split-Ender ® PRO is a unique and revolutionary worldwide patented invention, that is specially designed to trim the very ends of your hair without losing the length. Guarantee! will leave your hair softer, healthier and silkier than ever before.
We create a durable piece with the most rigorous standards in quality, This is the best reason to buy an exclusive, patented and revolutionary pieceSplit-Ender PRO.

New Surgy-Trim™ System Technology safely trims the ends of the hair where damaged hair ends and split ends start while preserving the beautiful, long, healthy hair, insuring that all the ends (split, damaged or dry) are trimmed and healthy.
The Split-Ender unique patented “Hair Plate” is Specially Designed to guide the hair strands to uniformly flow in and out throughout the “Strand Guards” and safely guiding each and every hair in a straight motion, forcing them to stand straight up when reaching the “Center of the Hair Plate”. The blades snip the tip by approximately 1/8″ to 1/4″ (depending of the Spacer type that you select) trimming the ends where burned, dry, damaged hair ends and split ends are more likely to be found. All this! While preserving and leaving the long, beautiful and healthy hair strands untouched.
And that my friends, is how the Split-Ender PRO works!
We, (Talavera Hair Products, Inc.) are the Sole Owners and Inventors of all Intellectual Property Rights (IP Owners) for the Split-Ender hair trimming device. This invention has been created by Mr. Victor C. Talavera and it is PROTECTED BY LAW under U.S. Pat. 6,588,108, 7,040,021, 9,597,811, China Pat. ZL 02 8 08380.6, Hong Kong Pat. 1064065, European Pat. 3062972, UK Pat. 1,381,496, UK Pat. 2538902, Australia Pat. 2015213618, Canada Pat. 2,444,497, Colombia Pat. 33039, Mexico Pat. 354247, European Design Registration 003247527-0001, Argentina Industrial Design 92405, Paraguay Ind. Design 3191, Colombia Industrial Design Reg. 19704, Peru Ind. Design 4734. Many other and new Worldwide Patents Pending! Other Intellectual Properties includes Trademark (Split-Ender) under U.S. Reg. No. 2,645,923, Europe Trademark No. 1254963, China Reg. No. 3648276, Hong Kong Reg. No. 300034703, Japan Reg. Int. No. 1254963, Canada Reg. No. TMA638351, Argentina Reg. No. 2.816.776, Australia Reg. No. 1705917, Brazil Reg. No. 909350884, Chile Reg. No. 1247175, Costa Rica Reg. No. 258089, Honduras Reg. No. 141801, Mexico Reg. No. 1634207, Paraguay Reg. No. 431976, Peru Certificate N° 247190, Copyrights of Pictures, Text, Graphics, Video, Artwork, Dress Code, etc.
WARNING! There are Chinese companies offering our product technology to others. They are illegal and you as a distributor will be fully liable for all damages and loses caused to Talavera Hair Products, Inc. "STAY AWAY FROM UNLAWFUL REPLICAS OFFERED BY CHINESE FACTORIES AND AVOID UNNECESSARY LEGAL PROBLEMS" Copyright © 2013 TALAVERA HAIR PRODUCTS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED